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Lawn and Ornamental All Inclusive Care

This premium service covers the basics of all lawn and ornamental care:

harmful pests on plants and turf, disease of plants and turf, and weeds in your lawn. This service also includes the fertilization of lawn and ornamental plants. 

Palm Tree Fertilization

There are two types of palm tree fertilization: granular and deep root injection. Granular fertilization applies dry nutrients to the base of the palm, while deep root injection is the process of injecting nuntrients into the roots of the tree. Upon inspection of your palms, we can determine which application process is best for your palm tress.

White Fly Treatments
Flea and Tick Control

White fly is a growing problem in South Florida... don't let it become a growing problem on your property! RAVE can treat and protect your ornamental plants, ficus hedges, and trees from this destructive insect. 

Fleas and ticks are a common problem for pet-owners, but can also be a problem for non-pet-owners. Areas that have an abundance of local wild life can experience fleas and ticks. Whatever the case, RAVE will properly treat your lawn and landscape to prevent fleas and ticks from turning your home into theirs.

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